Contact/About T3F
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Mori [Morgan]
AKA: 'Lette, Morgue, Morrigan
Age: 21 - let's go boozin'!
DOB: 12-18-82
Occupation: I work for Hobo-Bob
Location: Northern Fl. Specifically Green Cove Springs
Diet: Veggies - with Green Goddess Dressing - yum! Hot
Pockets [or lean pockets], lean cuisines, and sammiches with lotsa
mayo - mmmmm.
Duties on Team 3rd Floor: Writer/Artist, Character creator,
being a psychotic pervert, procrastinating, site design/layout,
making little origami stars to throw at people, summoning legions of
the undead to do my bidding, and to torment Mike of course.
Likes: Peace of mind, Tarot, Runes, Taoism,
Wiccan/Pagan study, Religious study in general, Green Tea,
especially Arizona's Asia Plum version, RPing with Mike, reading, drawing, writing, listening to
music, summoning the undead to torment Mike, watching porn/hentai,
watching lesbian porn/hentai, making fun of said porn,
feminine males, and origami.
Dislikes: Repetitive noises, Males, people who chew with their
mouths open, children, homophobes, oreo cookies, ice cream, popcorn,
whipped cream, chocolate in general, closed-minded people, religious
fanatics, southern drivers, loud obnoxious people, stupid people,
people who gawk, and people in general.
"Death comes for us all eventually, but I can help him find
you faster!".
Email / Antique Seraph @AIM
morgan_mclamb @Y!
AKA: Wirebrain (though Wire or WB does just nicely)
DOB: 1-13-79
Occupation: Professional Gamer
Location: Northern Ca.
Diet: Jolt, Tacos, Arbys sandwiches, Cinnimon rolls, Jelly
Krispy Kremes, Eggs Benedict, Chinese Food, and Chocolate.
Duties on Team 3rd Floor: Writer, Character concepts, Plot
and concept designer, Public Relations ::pats shotgun marked
"constructive criticisim"::, Ranting
& Raving like a lunatic about something and making Mori laugh...
Likes: Jenner, Bullet Time, Anime, J0|_7, Survival Bad Acting Games,
MST3K, Gaming of almost all shapes and sizes, 1337-speak, Running
Convention depts., Spouting useless trivia, Discussing the day's
events (aka Ranting and Raving) Writing stories, Guns- lots and lots
of guns, combating the Undead that Morgan sends his way with said
lots and lots of Guns! Fun! Doing nice things for
Dislikes: Gangsta (c)rap, Faceless corporations out to make a
buck anyway they can, Hamsters, Vegan Chocolate, Starbucks and um...
that's about it...I don't really hate much.
Quote: "GR00\/3!"
Contact info:
Email / Wirebrain0 @ AIM |