Contact/About T3F

Name: Mori [Morgan]
AKA: 'Lette, Morgue, Morrigan
Age: 21 - let's go boozin'!
DOB: 12-18-82
Occupation: I work for Hobo-Bob
Northern Fl. Specifically Green Cove Springs
Diet: Veggies - with Green Goddess Dressing - yum! Hot Pockets [or lean pockets], lean cuisines, and sammiches with lotsa mayo - mmmmm.
Duties on Team 3rd Floor: Writer/Artist, Character creator, being a psychotic pervert, procrastinating, site design/layout, making little origami stars to throw at people, summoning legions of the undead to do my bidding, and to torment Mike of course.
Likes: Peace of mind, Tarot, Runes, Taoism, Wiccan/Pagan study, Religious study in general, Green Tea, especially Arizona's Asia Plum version, RPing with Mike, reading, drawing, writing, listening to music, summoning the undead to torment Mike, watching porn/hentai, watching lesbian porn/hentai,  making fun of said porn, feminine males, and origami.
Repetitive noises, Males, people who chew with their mouths open, children, homophobes, oreo cookies, ice cream, popcorn, whipped cream, chocolate in general, closed-minded people, religious fanatics, southern drivers, loud obnoxious people, stupid people, people who gawk, and people in general.
Quote: "Death comes for us all eventually, but I can help him find you faster!".
Contact: Email / Antique Seraph @AIM
morgan_mclamb @Y!

Name: Mike
AKA: Wirebrain (though Wire or WB does just nicely)
DOB: 1-13-79
Occupation: Professional Gamer
Location: Northern Ca.
Diet: Jolt, Tacos, Arbys sandwiches, Cinnimon rolls, Jelly Krispy Kremes, Eggs Benedict, Chinese Food, and Chocolate.
Duties on Team 3rd Floor: Writer, Character concepts, Plot and concept designer,  Public Relations ::pats shotgun marked "constructive criticisim"::, Ranting & Raving like a lunatic about something and making Mori laugh...
Likes: Jenner, Bullet Time, Anime, J0|_7, Survival Bad Acting Games, MST3K, Gaming of almost all shapes and sizes, 1337-speak, Running Convention depts., Spouting useless trivia, Discussing the day's events (aka Ranting and Raving) Writing stories, Guns- lots and lots of guns, combating the Undead that Morgan sends his way with said lots and lots of Guns! Fun! Doing nice things for people!
Dislikes: Gangsta (c)rap, Faceless corporations out to make a buck anyway they can, Hamsters, Vegan Chocolate, Starbucks and um... that's about it...I don't really hate much.

Quote: "GR00\/3!"
Contact info: Email / Wirebrain0 @ AIM